Mustafa Traders Pvt. Ltd.

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PET Flakes Washing Machine

Pioneers in the industry, we offer PET Flakes Washing Machine such as Used PET Flakes Washing Machine, Used PET Flakes Hot Washing Machine, SS Automatic PET Flakes Washing Line, Plastic PET Flakes Washing Machine and Friction PET Flake Washer from India.

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Our offered Used PET Flakes Washing Machine is widely useful in different mechanical sectors. These machinery are made with the use of rust proof metal. Excellent in working, these washing machines work smoothly without making much noise. In addition to this, these washing machines do not require any maintenance for longer time.


  • Best working
  • No vibration
  • Durable frame

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Optimal in quality, our presented Used PET Flakes Hot Washing Machine is praised by the customers. Leak proof in working, these machinery are small in size and very easy to place at any commercial area. These machinery are made with ductile metal that is rust proof and hard in frame. In addition to this, these machinery are safe from the damage by continuous working.


  • Small size
  • Easy to place
  • Longer life

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Our firm is offering SS Automatic PET Flakes Washing Line in many sizes and shapes. Safe from damage by any factor, these washing lines are excellent in finishing and offered to the customers in hard frame. These washing lines are safe to use in many patterns. These SS automatic flakes are easy to maintain and use.


  • Hard frame
  • Rigid support
  • Hassle free installation

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Experts of our team have offered Plastic PET Flakes Washing Machine in many sizes and shapes. These washing machines are easy to use for commercial purposes. These machines work with lesser noise and made with latest technology based on mechanical engineering. These PET washing machines are quality checked by the professionals and offered in the market at genuine price and in safe packing.


  • Reliable working
  • No maintenance
  • Crack proof

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Friction PET Flake Washer

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Mustafa Traders Pvt. Ltd.No. 213, Topaz Housing Society, 2nd Floor, Dr A Nair Road, Near Nair Hospital, Agripada Mumbai Centre, Mumbai-400011, Maharashtra, India

Anita (Admin Department)

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