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Nitrile Gloves Making Machine Manufacturer Competitive price

Nitrile Gloves Making Machine For Sale

YG’s high-quality and stable nitrile gloves making machine is selling at very competitive prices. In recent periods of time, we have successively signed contracts with latex gloves manufacturing machinery, nitrile glove making machines and PE glove making machines with Turkey, Paraguay, India, and America. As we all know, the demand for disposable nitrile glove is large. As a hand protection product, it is fast consumable. Especially in the medical and health industry, food industry, beauty salons and other industries. At any time, protective gloves are products that are constantly in demand. If you want to invest in one or more nitrile gloves manufacturing machines, it will be a great choice. [Whatsapp/Wechat/Tel:+86 15037187716]

YG disposable glove making machine types

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Nitrile Gloves Machinery Model Selection

Model Machine Size(m) Speed (m/min) Capacity (pcs/hr) Heat Consumption (kcaVhr) Power (kw/hr) Mold (pcs) Chain(m)
YG-YBA50x6 50mx1.8mx6.5m x 6Layers 8.3 5000 450000 85 3000 300
YG-YBA60x6 60mx1.8mx6.5m x 6Layers 10 6000 550000 90 3600 360
YG-YBA80x6 80mx1.8mx6.5m x 6Layers 13.3 8000 750000 98 4800 480
YG-YBA100x6 100mx1.8mx6.5m x 6Layers 15 10000 1100000 115 6000 600
YG-YBA110x6 110mx1.8mx6.5m x 6Layers 21.6 13000 1200000 120 6600 660
YG-YBB80x6 80mx1.8mx7.5m x 6Layersx2 13.3 16000 1400000 110 9600 480
YG-YBB100x6 100mx1.8mx7.5m x 6Layersx2 18 21600 2100000 130 12000 600
YG-YBB110x6 110mx1.8mx7.5m x 6Layersx2 20 23000 2200000 135 13200 660
YG-YBA60x8 60mx1.8mx8.5m x 8Layers 10 7200 730000 95 4800 480
YG-YBA80x8 80mx1.8mx8.5m x 8Layers 16.7 10000 1000000 100 6400 640
YG-YBA100x8 100mx1.8mx8.5m x 8Layers 22 12000 1470000 120 8000 800
YG-YBA110x8 110mx1.8mx8.5m x 8Layers 24 14400 1600000 125 8800 880
YG-YBB80x8 80mx1.8mx9.6m x 8Layersx2 16.6 20000 1900000 120 12800 640
YG-YBB100x8 100mx1.8mx9.6m x8Layersx2 20 24000 2800000 130 16000 800
YG-YBB110x8 110mx1.8mx9.6mx 8Layersx2 21.6 26000 3050000 140 17600 880
YG-YBB80x10 80mx1.8mx12mx l0Layersx2 22 26400 2380000 130 16000 800
YG-YBBl00x10 100mx1.8mx12mx l0Layersx2 23.3 28000 3500000 140 20000 1000
YG-YBB110x10 110mx1.8mx12mx l0Layersx2 25 30000 3800000 150 22000 1100

The above are some models of nitrile glove making machines provided by Yugong. You can choose the suitable model according to your glove production output. For example, the production speed of YG-YBA50x6 nitrile glove machine is 8.3m/min, and the production speed is 5000pcs/h, which is the smallest model and output machine provided by Yugong nitrile glove manufacturer. We also have 6000, 8000, 10000pcs/h output machines. If you are interested in our nitrile glove machine, please click the button below to leave a message.

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Why Choose a Nitrile Glove Making Machine?

In the nitrile glove manufacturing equipment industry, the nitrile gloves making machine equipment provided by Henan Yugong Machinery has stable operation, low failure rate, high yield rate, suitable production line price. Meanwhile, we provide timely after-sales service. To be honest, in recent months, due to COVID-19, in addition to masks, protective clothing and other basic protective equipment, the demand for disposable gloves has also risen rapidly. Therefore, investing in nitrile gloves production line at this time is not only an excellent business opportunity. In a large aspect, it can also ease the supply and demand pressure of nitrile gloves worldwide.

If you already know the relevant knowledge of the machine to make nitrile gloves and know what kind of disposable glove-making machine you need, please contact us now. If you are a novice in this industry, as a leading china disposable hand gloves making machine suppliers,YG company will explain the relevant knowledge of disposable nitrile glove machine for you and provide information for your reference.[Whatsapp/Wechat/Tel:+86 15037187716]

YG Nitrile Glove Making Machine For Sale

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What Are the Characteristics of Nitrile Gloves?

  • Nitrile gloves can memorize the shape of the hand, fit the hand, and feel comfortable to wear.
  • Nitrile examination gloves can be worn by both hands.
  • Disposable nitrile gloves are 100% made of nitrile latex, which is mainly synthesized from acrylonitrile and butadiene.
  • It is a key material for organic synthesis and pharmaceutical intermediates.
  • No protein, powder-free and sterile, effectively avoid protein allergies. Contact us to get a quote for a nitrile gloves-making machine.
  • The main properties of powder-free nitrile gloves are puncture resistance, oil resistance, solvent resistance, wear resistance, grease resistance, and antistatic properties.
  • Hemp-shaped surface treatment to avoid the appliance from slipping during use.
  • High tensile strength avoids tearing when wearing.
  • After powder-free treatment, it is easy to wear and effectively avoid skin allergies caused by powder.

The many excellent characteristics of nitrile gloves indicate that it is a wise choice to put into the production line of nitrile gloves. Please leave your requirement and you will get a nitrile gloves manufacturing plant cost for your reference.[Whatsapp/Wechat/Tel:+86 15037187716]

Disposable Nitrile Glove Machine Price

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YG nitrile gloves manufacturing machine manufacturer

Nitrile gloves have high requirements on the production process. The continuous and stable production of medical-grade gloves requires strict control in the production process. Including nitrile glove machine production equipment, production formula, process control.

Choose of Nitrile Glove Making Machine

In the nitrile gloves making machine, disposable nitrile gloves production machine is not standard equipment. Instead, each nitrile glove manufacturing company designs according to the market positioning of its own nitrile gloves products and combines the temperature and humidity of the local area. Therefore, the stable operation of the nitrile gloves production line requires a reasonable design of the nitrile glove-making machine. And continuous maintenance and upgrade of the nitrile gloves making machine. This requires the relevant nitrile gloves making machine manufacturers to have a rich accumulation and accurate understanding of the production of gloves. Yugong Machinery focuses on the R&D and manufacturing of nitrile gloves production line. Choosing Yugong as your nitrile glove machine manufacturer is an ideal choice.[Whatsapp/Wechat/Tel:+86 15037187716]

YG Nitrile Gloves Production Line Manufacturer

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Disposable Nitrile Gloves Production Formula

In terms of production formula, the production formula of disposable nitrile gloves is not fixed. It needs to be adjusted according to the needs of customers, the temperature and humidity of the production location, and the operation of the nitrile gloves-making machine. At the same time, in order to ensure that the adjustment of the production formula can be adjusted in a timely and effective manner without significantly increasing the company’s costs, it is necessary to establish a stable cooperative relationship with nitrile gloves making machine manufacturer. After choosing the YG nitrile gloves production line, we will continue to pay attention to your production and provide you with timely and effective answers and help. [Whatsapp/Wechat/Tel:+86 15037187716]

Blue Nitrile Gloves Machine Price

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Nitrile gloves manufacturing process

In terms of the production process, the formulation system and production process of nitrile gloves are more complicated than PVC gloves. The production of butyronitrile requires more than thirty raw materials to prepare. The process adopts the impregnation process to vulcanize and shape. Including acid washing, alkaline washing & adding coagulant. The nitrile gloves making machine is a two-handed mold production line and the nitrile gloves production line is longer. Therefore, the requirements for process control of nitrile gloves are higher. The technical threshold for entering the nitrile gloves industry is also higher. [Whatsapp/Wechat/Tel:+86 15037187716]

Gloves Making Machine Manufacturers in China

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What Can You Get in Return for Buying a Nitrile Gloves Machine?

At present, the construction cost of the disposable glove production line, especially the disposable nitrile gloves production line is relatively high. At the same time, the production of disposable gloves requires much advanced supporting equipment and technical support. The degree of automation is getting higher and higher. As a result, the production investment of disposable nitrile gloves is relatively large. Newly-entered enterprises must have the strong financial strength and technical equipment to compete with existing enterprises.

However, there is a significant scale effect in the nitrile gloves industry. That is, as production increases, unit costs continue to decline. In recent years, with the upgrading of nitrile gloves making machines and the continuous application of automation equipment. The threshold for entering the disposable glove industry. Especially in the field of high-end nitrile products, continues to increase. Therefore, there are relatively few competitors. In general, the nitrile glove manufacturing equipment is a business opportunity that will pay back in a short period of time and make money. Contact us now to learn more about nitrile gloves-making machine manufacturers. In addition, we have mask making machine, meltblown fabric cloth production line for sale.[Whatsapp/Wechat/Tel:+86 15037187716]

YG Disposable Glove Machine Customer Visit

Nitrile Gloves Making Machine Exported to Malaysia Case

In 2020, Raymond from Malaysia searched the Yugong official website on Google and left us a message to buy a set of nitrile gloves making machine. After half a year of communication and negotiation, Yugong’s sales manager and the customer finally confirmed all the purchase details and signed a contract. In the contract, the seller and the buyer agree that the manufacturer will send an engineer to the buyer’s location to install the machine. Around May 2021, Yugong will make all the equipment for the nitrile glove making machine ordered by the customer and transport it to the customer’s destination port by sea. Soon after Raymond received all the nitrile glove machines, engineers dispatched by Yugong arrived at the customer’s location to install the equipment. After more than two months of equipment installation and machine commissioning, Raymond has been producing nitrile gloves for customers.

Related Products

As a professional disposable glove making machine manufacturer, Yugong offers a variety of glove making machines. Such as latex glove machine, cotton glove machine, knitted glove machine, etc.If you want to start a disposable gloves manufacturing business,please contact us,we will provide high-quality machines with professional sales manager.

YG Machinery also has wet wipes-making machine for sale. Click here to know more about wet wipes machine details. In addition, we have a series of disinfection equipment for sale. For example, disinfection channel, trolley disinfection tunnel, fog cannon machine, thermal fogging machine, electrostatic backpack sprayer, disinfection atomizer machine, car fogging machine, home use an oxygen concentrator, etc.

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