
Purchased Chipper/Shredder Mod 95964 for $349. Two months out of warranty the steel drum holding the cutting blades cracked and could have created a very dangerous situation had I not been able to shut the machine down in time. Called Harbor Freight to order parts and was told the drum and blades are not available. I am stuck with a useless machine that I kept covered in my garage, it looks like new; because HF won't sell parts. Even though they still sell this machine and someone still manufacturers the drum they would not help me one bit. I for one will never buy expensive machinery from them again since they refuse to provide parts. Their merchandise is to be considered throwaway. If it breaks, throw it away. What a green company. NOT!

Then there are the online product reviews on the HF website. When you write a review it takes "3-7" business days for your review to appear, IF they don't censor or ban it. What???? What other company censors reviews like that? No one. You can not trust the censored reviews on their website. They are misleading and deceitful and very few one or two star reviews ever get posted.

Reason of review: Bad quality.

Harbor Freight Tools Cons: No parts support.

Location: Cornville, Arizona

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