Fountain Pump FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Water Fountain Pumps – What size is right for your water fountain?


Finding a replacement pump for your fountain can be very overwhelming! We get many questions every day about finding the right model and we are here to help. Below you will see some general guidelines on how to select a pump for your indoor or outdoor water fountain.


Pumps with a WT model number can be used on indoor or outdoor fountains. This means they have a three-pin plug. The WP pumps and Mini Jet Pumps are rated for indoor use only—only a two-pin plug. You will also see that some models have an on/off switch on the cord while others that can be turned off and on by unplugging them and then plugging them back into the socket. Keep this in mind when selecting a replacement for your water fountain or pond.  


You will see the abbreviations GPH when looking at the specs; this stands for “gallons per hour”. This measurement is what determines the flow rate of your fountain. For example, a small tabletop fountain, such as the Water Bell Fountain, would only need a pump that pushed 50 to 100 gallons per hour. A wall fountain such as the Inspiration Falls fountain would need a larger pump, such as the WT 470, which pushes 370 gallons per hour.


You will also need to look at the “max head” information when choosing a fountain pump. This measurement is the maximum height that a pump will push water. Your fountain will need one that can push water from the base, where the pump sits, up to the distribution unit of your fountain. You will always want a pump with a max head higher than the distance between the base and the distribution unit of your fountain. This is because at the max height, the water flow is no longer as strong. For example,the Cascade Springs, is 54” Tall.  From the basin to the distribution unit, the height is a little over 4 feet. This means that, for this fountain, you would need a pump with a max height higher than 4 feet.


You’ll also need to look at the outlet tube size to be sure the tube that came with your fountain will fit the opening in the pump. This is pretty standard but you should still check just to be sure it will work. The measurement should be the inside diameter of the tube that came with your fountain.  


All of the submersible pumps we carry are adjustable, so you will be able to adjust the flow speed. A flow speed set too high or a pump that is too powerful for your fountain will cause splashing.


We are always here to help in the selection of your new fountain pump. We will just need to know what water fountain you have or the dimensions as described above. You can simply email us your information or call us at 1-888-881-4668 and we will be happy to make a recommendation.


Now that you’ve learned a bit about fountain pump sizes, you’re ready to shop for Shop for replacement fountain pumps now. We carry some of the best fountain pumps on the market, whether you need a small fountain pump for a compact indoor fountain or a large water pump for a multi-tiered outdoor water fountain in your yard.