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Bottle Sealing Machine

SaintyCo is acknowledged as the world’s #1 distributor agent of bottle sealing machines. We are your trustworthy company that has lots of experience in any range of bottle sealing machine production and manufacturing.

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SaintyCo Bottle Sealing Machine

The bottle sealing machine is known as a bottle sealer. It is an automatic and powered machine that is generally used to seal bottle caps into individual bottles. Besides, the bottle sealing machine creates a sealing barrier that shields the inside substances and prevents liquids from leaking and spilling. Therefore, they have considerable significance in the industrial business since it creates convenience, rapid, time-saving, and excellent working. 

SaintyCo manufactures bottle sealing machine that conforms to the international cGMP, GMP, 21CFR part II, WHO, and CE regulations and surveillance. However, SaintyCo consists of professional global technical and sales personnel who undertakes the entire responsibility of ensuring that all of our bottle sealing machines are accurate to the specification of our customers. 

SaintyCo bottle sealing machine obtains the critical product inspection and validation. What are you waiting for? Contact SaintyCo now!

Bottle Sealing Machine: The Ultimate Guide

A bottle sealing machine is an automatic device that places and seals bottle caps on different types of bottles.

In today’s guide, you are going to learn about the most significant details about different types of bottle sealing machines.

Bottle Sealing

Benefits of Bottle Packaging in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The main benefits of using bottle packaging in the pharmaceutical industry include:

Bottle Packaging in the Pharmaceutical Industry

i. Bottle packaging acts as the main store for pharmaceutical products.

ii. Protects the contents from external interference by other environmental factors such as light and water.

iii. Bottle packaging assists in the proper distribution of pharmaceutical products as it makes them easy to transport.

iv. Bottle packages act as a parameter for dictating the number of pharmaceutical products available for use.

For instance, a 300 ml bottle dictates that the bottle contains 300 ml of pharmaceutical products.

v. It helps in distinguishing one pharmaceutical product from another to avoid confusion.

For example, there are different bottle packages for syrups and pills.

vi. Bottles make a product stand out in a way that increases the aesthetic value of the product.

vii. The type of bottle packaging also makes it easy for you to identify the type of medicinal product.

viii. Apart from that, different bottle packaging types also dictate the mode of pharmaceutical application.

For instance, a dropper bottle will indicate that you will administer that pharmaceutical product through drop by drop mechanism.

A sprayer bottle will indicate that you should administer the pharmaceutical product by spraying for example perfumes.

ix. Bottle packaging is non-corrosive and chemically inert thus protecting the integrity of the pharmaceutical products.

x. Bottle packages are light in weight, readily available, and cheap to acquire

Importance of Bottle Sealing in Pharma Industry

It is important to have a bottle seal in pharmaceutical products because of the following reasons.

Induction Sealing – Photo Courtesy: Relco

i. A bottle seal helps in improving the security of the bottle as it makes the bottle tamper-proof.

You will be able to know that the pharmaceutical content of the bottle is safe when the seal is intact.

ii. The bottle seal keeps the bottle cap in place to avoid spillage or leakage of the bottle content.

This makes it easy for you to transport it from one place to another without losing the content.

iii. The seal also protects you from counterfeits and unfair practices in the market.

You will identify and relate a particular seal with a particular pharmaceutical company through labels on the seal.

iv. It keeps any external environmental factors from entering the bottle thus maintaining the freshness of the bottle content.

In other words, the seal improves the storage ability of the bottles by keeping oxygen and moisture away.

Quality of a Safe Bottle Sealing Mechanism

To ensure that the consumers of the pharmaceutical products receive pharmaceutical products of high quality, you should consider the following:

  • Requirement of the regulatory bodies on packaging and sealing of pharmaceutical products.
  • Product you intend to package and seal
  • Process of packaging and sealing
  • Internal policies of the manufacturer with regards to the safety of the pharmaceutical products.

Your bottle sealing mechanism should follow the current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) to avoid sealing defects such as breakages.

The bottle sealing mechanism should also go through a process of validation to ensure the proper integrity of the seal.

The essentials of quality control are the responsibility of the manufacturer during the production process.

You have to ensure that the bottle sealing mechanism goes through proper testing before releasing the products to the public.

The basic requirements that you need to have in place for the bottle sealing mechanism quality control include:

i. Adequate facilities, personnel with proper training, and proper bottle sealing procedures in relation to the right quality standards.

ii. You should have starting samples of the bottle sealing mechanism approved by the universal quality control departments.

iii. You should also maintain proper records on the bottle sealing mechanism for proper inspection of the process.

Types of Bottle Sealing and Capping Machine

Since there are different packaging mechanisms, you should also expect to have different types of bottle sealing and capping mechanisms.

The main types of bottle sealing and capping mechanisms include:

1) Electromagnetic Induction Bottle Sealing Machine

This is a non-contact, high-frequency process that you can use in bonding a foil disk to a pharmaceutical bottle.

Induction bottle sealing technique involves control heating of an electrically conducting object by electromagnetic induction through heat that comes from eddy currents.

§ Benefits of Induction Bottle Sealing Machine

The main benefits of the induction bottle sealing machine are:

i. Machine places a tamper-proof seal on the bottle protecting the content from external interferences.

ii. Most of the machine operations are automatic thus improving the level of accuracy and efficiency in the sealing process.

iii. The machine also saves on time and increases productivity as it can seal many bottles in a short period.

iv. Induction sealing machine also places a seal that protects the inner material from leaking and spilling.

v. It also places a seal that keeps the content of the bottle fresh and improves the sustainability of the content.

vi. Machine requires very little power resource thus saving on the amount of power in use.

vii. Induction sealing machine is automatic and delivers an instant startup time.

viii. Seal head is flexible and can conform to other forms of container specifications in the sealing process.

ix. The machine stamps a secure seal which is highly secure and offers protection from interference and damage.

x. The machine is flexible and allows you to adjust the power, heights, and diameters of the bottles.

§ Where to Use Induction Sealing Technique

You can use the machine in quite a number of applications in packaging such as:

  • Formation of tubes from flexible materials
  • Attachment of plastic closures to the package forms
  • Sealing of plastic packages such as sachets for easy access

Apart from that, you can use induction sealing techniques in the following industries;

  • Pharmaceutical industry for sealing drugs in different containers
  • Food industry for sealing sensitive food ingredients from exposure to external environmental factors.
  • Cosmetics, beauty, and health industries.
  • Chemical industry
  • Agricultural industry for sealing pesticide and fertilizer bottles
  • Inks, paints, carbon products, laundry products, and dyes to maintain the integrity of the content.

Furthermore, you can use the induction sealing machine on materials such as glass and plastic.

Induction sealing is also a proper mechanism in placing capless seals in capless containers.

§ Drawbacks of Induction Bottle Sealing Machine

The main disadvantages that you will experience by using the induction bottle sealing machine include:

i. A higher initial cost of purchasing and installing the equipment.

ii. Despite the fact that it is automatic, you need to have a few people to assist in the process.

iii. You need to train part of your staff to have a clear grasp of the concept which is costly.

iv. The technology can be outdated at any time considering the high rate of evolution in the industry.

v. The induction aluminum foil sealing machine is incapable of sealing metallic containers and placing metallic caps.

§ Parts for Induction Sealing Machine

There are different types of induction sealing machines but we will focus on the parts of an automatic induction sealing machine.

The main parts of an induction sealing machine include:

Continuous Induction Sealing Machine

i. Digital touch screen

The touch screen has a human-machine interface that allows you to monitor all the sealing operations

ii. PLC control system

This is the interface that you can use in programming and setting the machine to specific sealing requirements.

iii. Induction Head and Sealing System

This is the main part of the machine that does the actual placement and sealing of the bottles.

iv. Electric Power Supply System

This is the main source of electric power that initiates the performance of the other parts of the induction sealing machine.

For instance, it provides enough power that can heat the coil for sealing purposes.

v. Power Inverters

Power inverters regulate and transform power to the suitable power range for use by the sealing machine.

vi. Inductor sealingCoil

This is the main heating mechanism of the machine that provides the induction head with enough heat.

vii. Cooling System

The cooling system consists of cooling fans that take away excess heat from the machine and the seals.

§ How Electromagnetic Induction Bottle Sealing Machine Works

The main working principle of the machine depends on electromagnetic induction heating to seal the containers.

This applies to both capped bottle sealing and it follows the following procedure:

Working Principle of Induction Sealing Machine

  • Step One: Preparation of the sealing material

In this case, we are going to use the two-piece liner which often comes with the cap as the sealing material.

The liner consists of paper or pulpboard, wax, foil, and polymer coating and they are compatible with different containers.

At the same time, you should also prepare the machine and ensure that it is in proper working condition.

Set the power rating and set it according to the optimal sealing specifications according to the type of container.

Weak power ratings will not seal and a strong one will make a seal that is difficult to remove.

Remember to check the bottle by inspecting the landing to ensure it is smooth, flat, and free of dents.

The closure of the bottle should also fit perfectly.

  • Step Two: Placing the seal on the bottle

Place the seal on the bottle by simply placing the cap on top of the bottle.

Do not apply too much pressure on the cap in the tightening process as it might cause a defective seal.

Most of these applications are automatic in case you are using an automatic induction bottle sealing machine.

After that the machine places the bottles on a conveyor belt which transports them to the sealing head.

  • Step Three: Application of the Induction head

This is the main sealing process where you apply the induction head to the bottle.

Never apply the induction head directly on the seal without a cap on it.

The bottles will pass directly under the induction coil.

The coil will emit a high frequency and robust electromagnetic field which melts the conductive aluminum coil.

As a result of the eddy currents, the linear will melt in a particular manner starting with the wax.

The wax melts and the paperboard absorbs it and releases the seal from the cap.

As that happens, the polymer foil also heats up, melts, and pours onto the extreme ends of the container.

The process should take less than a few seconds to initiate the sealing process.

  • Step Four: Cooling Process

The bottles pass through the cooling zone where air coolers or fans blast cool air on the cap.

This forces the molten polymer to adhere to the lips of the bottles creating airtight seals.

Some machines have water cooling compartments to cool and stick the seal to the bottle.

  • Step Five: Inspection stage

At this stage, you can take a few samples and remove the cap to confirm that the seal is intact.

You can also check on the integrity of the seal and confirm if it is easy to open or not.

In case everything is perfect, the bottles are now ready for packaging and storage.

§ Bottle Induction Sealing Machine Problems and Solutions

Just like any other type of equipment, the bottle induction sealing machine experiences some challenges.

Here are some of the problems, the likely causes of the problems, and the solution to the problems.

 Induction Sealing Process

i. Failure of the Machine to Operate

The main causes of these problems and their solutions include:

  • Faulty button switch which you can solve by replacing the button switch
  • Poor connection of the power plug which you can solve by unplugging and securely reconnecting the plug.
  • Damage on the inductive head which you can solve by replacing the inductive head with a proper one.

ii. Failure of the work indicator to light even though the power supply connection is correct and the switch is on.

The main causes of the problem and their solutions include:

  • The defective fuse which you should solve by replacing the fuse
  • Damage on the inductive head which you can simply replace with an efficient one.
  • The sealing objects and inductive film material can be inconsistent.

You can solve the issue through proper selection and replacement of an inductive material and sealing objects.

iii. Folding and Melting Sealing Film

The main causes and solutions to this problem include:

  • You might expose the film to a long period of inductive heating

You will sort it out by shortening the heating period accordingly.

iv. Film and spacer in contact without a proper separation

This effect can be a result of too short or too long periods of inductive heating.

You should sort it out by appropriately modifying and setting the time it takes to heat the seal.

v. Burnt Cardboard Linear

This can be as a result of too much power or a conveyor belt that is moving too slow.

You should sort it out by adjusting the power units accordingly and properly setting the speed of the conveyer.

vi. Tight Caps Making it Difficult to Remove

The main causes and solutions to this problem include:

  • Inadequate sealing power that you can correct through proper adjustment of the power units.
  • The setting of the coil can be too high which you will sort by adjusting the height of the coil.

vii. Different Sealing Results

This can occur if the sealing lip and burrs of the bottle are inconsistent.

You have to confirm that the caps have uniform torque and are not fully cocked before the sealing process.

viii. Inadequate Power for Sealing

This can be as a result of the metal guard rails being too close to the sealing heads.

You can replace the metal guard rails that are too close to the sealing head with non-metallic guard rails.

2) Bottle Screw Cap Sealing Machine

This machine will ensure that the bottles receive a lasting seal through the screw cap method.

Syrup Bottle Filling and Sealing Machine

· Why Use Screw Bottle Sealing Machine

You should use the screw bottle sealing mechanism because of the following reasons:

i. The machine places a complete seal on bottles that prevent the content from spilling

ii. It helps in improving the sustainability of the content as it keeps pathogenic contaminants away.

iii. The machine is capable of performing other functions such as branding of the seals before the actual sealing process.

iv. The flexibility of the machine allows you to accommodate different types of bottles.

v. It is also very accurate and efficient in the placement of caps on the bottles.

· Advantages of Bottle Screw Cap Sealing Machine

The main advantages of using the bottle screw cap sealing machine include:

i. The machine increases the production output as it can fit the seals faster.

ii. It also increases production efficiency and accuracy through precise sealing concepts.

iii. It also assists in the elimination of labor fatigue as it limits unnecessary injuries.

iv. The seals do not allow the growth or presence of pathogenic micro-organisms hence keeping the products safe.

v. The machine is aseptic thus making it easy to clean and maintain.

vi. It is also user-friendly with a human-machine interface operating system.

vii. You can easily integrate the machine into the production line to have a complete production line.

viii. You don’t need to hire a lot of human labor especially when you are operating an automatic sealing machine.

· Disadvantages of Bottle Screw Caps Sealing Machine

The main disadvantages of the machine include:

i. You cannot place a seal on the bottles without a cap.

ii. You need a high investment capital as the machine is expensive and the installation cost is also high.

iii. Moving the machine from one place to another is a difficult task because it is heavy.

In case you manage to move the machine, you might experience a lot of damages thus limiting the movement.

iv. The size of the machine also requires a bigger installation space thus increasing the cost of investment.

v. Screw caps are often very tight thus reducing oxidation of certain bottle components such as wine.

· Components of Bottle Screw Cap Sealing Machine

The main parts of the bottle screw cap sealing machine include:

 Screw Cap Bottle Sealing

i. Main Structure or Frame

This is the main structure that supports all the key components of the screw cap sealing machine.

ii. Product Transmission System

It consists of conveyor belts that assist in moving products from one station to another.

iii. Star Plate

The star plates hold the bottles upright in the right position for filling and sealing purposes.

iv. Sealing Heads

This is the main part of the machine that performs the actual sealing process.

v. Bowl for Caps

This is the main storage area where you will load the caps and seals before the sealing process begins.

vi. Cap Delivery Chute

It collects the caps and seals from the bowl for caps and delivers them directly to the sealing station

vii. Product Height Adjustment Screw

You will use the adjustment screw to adjust the heights of the machine to fit the height of the products or bottles.

viii. Safety Acrylic Cover

This is an acrylic cover that protects the user from harm that could come from the machine.

It also protects the machine from any external bodies that could damage it.

ix. Electrical Panel

This is the main source of power for the machine that controls all the machine operations.

x. Control Unit

The machine has a PLC control unit complete with a touch screen and user-friendly menu.

The system allows you to program, monitor, and control the machine sealing operations.

xi. Motor

The motors assist in initiating and controlling movement especially on the conveyor systems.

xii. Sensors and AC Drives

The sensors assist in detecting any form of malfunction on the machine to automatically alert you or stop the machine.

The AC drives are the cooling systems that cool off the machine in operation mode.

· Working Principle of Screw Cap Sealing Machine

When operating a screw cap sealing machine, you need to go through the following procedure:

  • Step One: Loading the Screw Caps

First, you need to load the screw caps on the bowl for caps before the sealing process begins.

Since the screw cap sealing machine is part of a production line, it has a connection to the filling machine.

Implying that the bottles will be coming from the filling machine through to the sealing machine on star plates.

The conveyor belts also enable the swift movement of the star plates.

Remember to load the sealing material onto the sealing material hopper.

  • Step Two: Placing the sealing material on the caps

The machine will collect the sealing material from the sealing material hopper.

In most cases, the sealing material is rubber.

At the same time, the cap delivery chute delivers the caps.

The machine places the rubber seals inside the caps in a uniform manner.

This is the point where some of the machines brand the rubber sealing.

  • Step Three: Sealing Process

As the bottle move to the sealing station, the caps complete with the rubber seals also move to the same station.

Once at the sealing station, the machine automatically places the caps on the bottles and tightens the cap.

The bottles usually have matching threads with the cap thus facilitating a smooth screw cap sealing process.

In the process, it manages to seal the bottles through the screw cap.

  • Step Four: Additional Processes

It is important to inspect the bottles after placing the screw cap seal.

You can identify a few random samples to check the integrity of the seal.

Make sure that the seal is tight but does not pose a great challenge when it comes to opening.

Proceed to sort labeling and later storage of the bottles awaiting distribution

· Common Problems and Solutions in Screw Cap Sealing Process

The main problems that you might experience in the screw cap sealing process include:

 Screw Cap Bottle Sealing – Photo Courtesy: Medi Dose

i. Stalled Bottles

The machine might experience a stall in the movement of bottles due to a suck conveying system.

The conveyor belt might not move due to electric faults of broken parts


Checking and fixing the electrical faults in the conveyor system

You should refer to the control unit to confirm the issue and then fix the broken parts of the conveyor.

ii. Tight and Lose Screw Cap Seals

The screw cap seals can be too tight because of excess pressure during the screw sealing process.

It can also be too weak because of very little pressure.

The pressure difference can be a result of faulty or broken parts leading to leakages.


Adjusting the pressure to optimum operating pressure to enable a good functioning screw cap seal.

You should also replace the broken parts of the pneumatic system.

3) Crimp Sealing Machine for Vials

This is a non-shearing, and patent-pending machine that uses continuous motion to automatically crimp and flip-off caps.


· Why Use Crimp Technology in Bottle Sealing Machine

You should consider using the crimp technology in bottle sealing for vials because of the following reasons:

i. The technology provides an efficient mode of sealing different types of bottles using aluminum foils.

ii. It has a very small footprint that allows you to combine it with other machines for sealing purposes.

iii. Crimp sealing makes an airtight crimp seal that protects the filling material in the bottles from external factors.

iv. Crimp technology in bottle sealing machines consumes very little power in producing the crimping effect thus very economical.

· Benefits of Crimp Seal Vials Machine

The main benefits of using the crimp seal vial machine include:

i. It will save on the cost of production and time as it can crimp bottles very fast and increase the rate of production.

ii. It is a better, more efficient, and accurate mode of sealing bottles with minimal mistakes if the settings are right.

iii. Automatic crimp sealing machines eliminate the element of fatigue which you can associate with manual crimp sealing machines.

iv. You don’t need to hire extra personnel to assist with the operations of the machine as everything is automatic.

v. The machine is easy to operate with a human-machine interface assisting in the programming and monitoring.

vi. The machine is easy to clean and maintain with parts that you can easily remove and replace.

vii. It provides the most efficient platform for multitasking as it can seal different types, sizes, and shapes of bottles.

viii. It provides the best working environments that are safe for the user and the machine.

ix. It is the most economical sealing machine as it reduces the wastage of sealing materials.

x. The machine provides a lot of room for upgrading with new forms of technological advancements.

Manual Crimp Sealing Machine

· Limitations of Crimp Sealing Machine for Vials

The major drawbacks that you will experience with the machine include:

i. The machine can only crimp seal specific types of sealing materials such as aluminum foils.

ii. The cost of purchasing and installing the machine is often quite high requiring a higher initial investment capital.

iii. You need a constant supply of power to enable the efficient and smooth operations of the crimp sealing machine.

· Parts of Crimp Sealing Machine

The main parts of the bottle crimp sealing machine are:

Vials Filling and Sealing Machine

i. Stainless Steel Frame

The machine has an outward frame that is pure stainless steel with Teflon coating hard anodized aluminum.

The frame acts as the main support for the crimp sealing machine.

ii. Crimping Tool Kit

This is the main area where the non-shearing crimping of the aluminum foil takes place.

It consists of crimping rollers that apply pressure on the aluminum foil to crimp seal the bottles.

iii. Programmable vibratory bowl table

The vibratory bowl table assists in orienting the bottles in a particular position for quick and efficient crimp sealing.

iv. Programmable Servo Automatic Changeover devices

The servo automatic changeover devices have adjustable motors that affect changes in sealing dimensions on the crimp sealing machine.

v. Fiber Optic Sensors with Computer Feedbacks

The fiber optic sensors help in improving the security of the device and the user.

It has a direct connection to the computer system for relaying feedback on any malfunctions in the sealing system.

vi. Interlock Power on and off system

The system enables automatic powering on and off of the machine in case it detects a malfunction.

It also enables the machine to automatically go into a resting mode when it detects the absence of raw materials.

It is also the main source of power that enables perfect operations of all the parts of the crimp sealing machine.

vii. Transport System

It consists of conveyor belts, guard rails, and motors that assist in the movement of bottles and sealing materials.

viii. Touch Screen with Complete User-Friendly Menu

The touch screen enables you to monitor all the sealing operations from one sitting point.

It also has a control Unit with a flexible and friendly menu for programming the device to particular sealing conditions.

ix. Lubrication system

All the moving parts need to have a smooth and efficient transition without hitches and friction.

The lubrication system automatically lubricates the moving parts thus reducing friction.

x. Pneumatic system

This is the air pressure unit that applies enough pressure to crimp the aluminum foil and make a perfect seal.

· How Vial Crimper Machine Works

The following is a step by step process on how the vial crimper machine works.

  • Step One: Preparation stage

First, you need to make sure that all the sealing parameters are in place.

This includes loading the raw materials such as the foil sealing materials onto the sealing material hopper.

Apart from that, you need to make sure that the machine transport system is properly set.

It will enable the efficient movement of vials from the filling station to the sealing station.

The machine should be in proper working conditions before you decide to power it on.

  • Step Two: Orientation of the vials

As soon as the machine is on, the operations begin with the transport system.

The conveyor belt system moves the vials from the filling station to the sealing station.

As the vials move, they will pass through the vibratory bowl table which will orient them perfectly for the sealing process.

At the same time, the machine automatically picks the sealing material through the delivery system.

It delivers the aluminum foil to the crimping station.

  • Step Three: Crimping the Sealing Material

At this point, the sealing material meets the vials at the sealing stage.

The blades which are part of the crimping tool kit cut the aluminum foil to the right sizes.

As that continues, the crimping rollers crimp the aluminum foil on the vials making a complete lasting seal.

The crimping process involves applying pressure on the seal to cover part or the whole cap.

After that, the crimping unit rotates in a circular direction and creates a seal.

The seal is tight enough to resist any alterations in the storage and transport system.

In some cases, you might need to place a cap first before you crimp the seal on top of the cap.

For instance, you will place a cork in the mouth of a wine bottle before you crimp seal it with aluminum foil.

  • Step Four: Further Processing

This involves the inspection stage of the crimp seals to confirm the integrity of the seal.

After that, you will sort, label, and store the vials under the right conditions before distributing them.

· Problems & Solutions in Crimp Sealing Machines

Some of the problems you might experience in the crimp sealing process include:

 High Capacity Vials Sealing Machine

i. Imperfect Seals

You might have seals that are not tight, too tight, or broken.

This can be a result of uncontrolled pressure systems which can either be too low or too high.


All you need to do is control the pressure systems from the control unit to have a uniform sealing pressure.

ii. Electric Faults

This is one of the most common crimping problems that affect the operations of the whole machine.

It can suppress the functionality of the machine due to low impedance and faulty electrical parts.


Replace the faulty electrical parts of the machine and ensure that you have power backups in case of power outages.

iii. Broken Vials

When the sealing pressure is in excess it can twist the neck of the vials and break them.


Program the machine well and allow do prior sampling before you begin the crimping process.

4) Bottle Heat Sealing Machine

Bottle heat sealing machines are versatile devices that depend on a heating principle to secure a seal on a bottle.

Bottle Heat Sealing – Photo Courtesy 3MB

Ø  Why Use Plastic Bottle Heat Sealing Machine

You should consider using the machine for the following reasons:

i. The machine creates a hermetical seal on different types of bottles in a number of industries.

ii. You can use the machine in different industries such as pharmaceutical, food, chemical and cosmetics among others.

iii. It has the capability of increasing the shelf life of the bottle content by placing a protective seal.

iv. The machine does not only place the seal but can also cap the bottle at the same time.

v. Most modern machines come complete with printing systems that brand the seals in the sealing process.

Ø  Benefits of Bottle Heat Sealing Machine

The main benefits that you will enjoy while using the machine include:

i. The machine is automatic and therefore increases the speed of production thus saving you time.

ii. The faster the bottle sealing machines, the higher the number of products that the machine produces.

iii. The machine is more efficient and accurate in the sealing process of the bottles with little to no mistakes.

iv. The safety of the machine is also very high as it has sensors that will automatically stop the machine.

v. It is flexible and can accommodate different types of bottles in terms of size and shape of the bottles.

vi. It eliminates the need for extra personnel to assist in the sealing process except for a few.

vii. You have the freedom to operate the machine for longer periods without stopping thus maximizing the output.

viii. You can easily integrate the machine into the production line for a swift and efficient line of production.

ix. It is easy to operate with an adjustable human-machine interface giving you the freedom to control the machine.

x. The machine has removable parts that you can easily remove, clean, and replace thus improving its maintenance ability.

Ø  Disadvantages of Heat Bottle Sealing Machine

The major drawbacks that you might experience by using this machine include:

i. The cost of purchasing and installing an automatic heat bottle sealing machine is high.

ii. The machine is quite specific thus reducing its flexibility to other forms of sealing processes.

iii. You need to have wide floor space to accommodate the big machine.

iv. The big size of the machine also limits you to one operating station thus reducing its portability.

Ø  Parts of Bottle Heat Sealing Machine

The automatic bottle heat sealing machine depends on the following parts to perform its functions.

i. Sealing Material Hopper

The foil hopper acts as the main store for keeping the foil sealing material for easy access.

ii. Sealing Plug

The sealing plug is responsible for heat sealing the sealing materials onto the containers.

iii. Pneumatic system

This is the pressure system of the machine that exerts a considerable amount of pressure to place seals on the bottle.

iv. Electric Power Unit

The electrical unit supplies enough power that the machine requires for normal functions such as heating the coil.

v. Heating Bar or Coil

This is the main part of the machine that generates enough heat for sealing the sealing materials onto the bottles.

vi. PLC control system

The PLC control system comes complete with a touch screen that allows you to control and monitor the sealing operations.

vii. Conveyor Belt System and Guide Rails

The conveyer belt system assists in moving the bottles from one station to the next.

The guide rails prevent the bottles from falling while maintaining an upright posture.

viii. Lubrication System

The lubrication system greases all the moving parts of the machine thus increasing the flexibility of the machine.

ix. Automatic sensors and alarm system

This is the main security system that will either warn you or stop the machine in case of imminent danger.

It helps in securing you from harm and also protects the integrity of the machine from damage.

x. Speed transmission motors

The motors assist in the secure control of the transmission speed of the bottles through the sealing process.

You can adjust and monitor the speed of the transmission motors from the PLC control unit.

xi. Cooling system

Since the machine depends on a heating principle to seal the bottles, it has to have a cooling system.

The cooling system maintains the machine at favorable working temperatures and cools the seals after the heat sealing process.

xii. Round Wire Conversion Kits with Blades

This is the part of the machine that determines and cuts the sealing material.

The blades will cut the sealing material according to the shape of the mouth of the container.

Ø  Working Principles of Plastic Bottle Heat Sealer

The following is a step-by-step guiding process on how the plastic bottle heat sealer works.

  • Step One: Preparation Stage

At this point, you will load the sealing material most preferably foil onto the foil hopper.

At the same time, you will ensure that the machine is in proper working conditions by doing a thorough inspection.

This involves making sure that the lubrication fluid is in place and the machine is clean.

With proper integration with the bottle filling machine, you will be able to have a constant supply of full bottles.

Power on the machine and let the operations begin.

  • Step Two: Preparing the sealing material

In this case, we will be using foil as the main sealing material.

The machine will initiate a delivery system of the foil from the foil hopper to the sealing station.

At the same time, the bottles that will receive the seal come from the filling stations on conveyor belts.

  • Step Three: Actual Sealing Process

At this point, the bottles and the sealing materials meet at the sealing stage.

With the help of the round wire conversion kits, the machine place and shapes the sealing materials on the bottles.

At the same time, the electric unit provides enough power to heat the heating coils or heating bar.

Do not place the heating bar directly on the sealing material as it might cause burns.

Instead, allow the conveyor belt to move the bottles under the sealing section.

The amount of heat is sufficient to melt part of the sealing material and allow it to flow onto the lid.

You should control the heat to prevent it from melting the whole sealing materials and the bottles.

  • Step Four: Cooling Stage

After that, the conveyor belt will move the plastic bottles swiftly to the cooling system.

The cooling system has a series of fans that blast cold air on the seals forcing them to cool.

The molten foil adheres to the bottle and creates a hermetic seal.

  • Step Five: Inspection Stage

It is important to inspect the seal and confirm that it is perfect.

You will also realize that the healing process did not interfere with the bottles.

Ø  Plastic Bottle Heat Sealer Problems and Solutions

The most common problems that you might experience in the sealing process include:

Plastic Bottle Heat Sealing Machine

i. High Temperature Faults

This can be as a result of excessive current passing through to the heating bar.


You can sort this out by controlling the amount of heating current on the heating bar from the control unit.

In case of an electric fault, you should replace the broken parts with the help of a technician.

ii. Stalled Containers

The supply of the bottles might stall at some point due to a power jam.

Apart from that, it might also be an issue with the orientation of the sensors


First, you need to check the PLC control unit for notifications on the problematic area.

With the help of a technician, you should be able to check and rectify the power jam.

You should also consider placing the machine on flat-level ground for proper orientation.

iii. Different Levels of Filling Material in the Bottles

You will realize the liquid levels in the bottles are different due to imperfect orientation.

At the same time, the filling controls might be out of place.


First, you have to place the machine on flat and level ground to rectify the issue of orientation.

At the control panel, you need to adjust the settings to fill the bottles accurately.

iv. Deficient Seals

You might realize a lot of difficulties when you try to remove the seal from the bottle.

At times the seal might not stick properly onto the plastic bottle.

This can be a result of too much or too little heat on the bottle sealers.


You need to control the amount of heat to optimum sealing heat to avoid sealing problems.

5) Ampoule Filling and Sealing Machine

This is a type of machine that you will use in sealing liquid drug bottles or small glass ampoules.

The machines have special designs that can easily seal the drugs in small glass bottles.


· When to Use Ampoule Sealing Machine

You should use the ampoule sealing machine in the following situations:

i. When you need to create a complete seal that will protect the content from environmental contaminants.

ii. You will also use the machine when you want to create a seal for a bottle with a specific quantity of drugs.

iii. You can also use it in sealing ampoules that you will use once and throw away the bottle.

This is because you cannot use the bottle again or replace the seal after the first use.

iv. You will use the machine when you need to seal content that will not react with the bottle packaging.

The machine often creates ampoules that you will specifically use in the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs for hospitals.

· Advantages of Ampule Filling Machine

The main advantages of using the ampoule filling and sealing machine include:

Ampoule Filling and Sealing Machine

i. Ampoules will protect the drug contents from environmental contamination such as dust and other forms of pathogenic micro-organisms.

ii. It becomes very easy to store the right quantity of drugs that you will specifically need in a hospital.

iii. The machine has flow meters that will assist you in regulating the sealing flames easily.

iv. You can easily access all the parts of the machine thus making it easy to clean and maintain.

v. It increases the output of the ampoules at about 15,000 ampoules in an hour but that may vary accordingly.

vi. It is flexible with a very fast changeover of ampoules as the production process is also very fast.

vii. You can easily integrate the machine with modern manufacturing technologies to create a complete production line.

viii. The machine has an interface that allows you to monitor the production process of the ampoules.

ix. It ensures that you accurately fill and seal the content with little to no wastage of materials.

x. The machine is simple and easy to operate with an ample cooling system to reduce overheating of the machine.

· Disadvantages of Ampoule Filling Machine

Despite the positive roles that the ampoule filling machine plays, you will experience the following disadvantages:

i. The sealing process of the glass creates ampoules that are not fully safe when you are using them.

Implying that you may hurt yourself in the process of opening the ampoules.

ii. Apart from that, glass pieces might fall into the ampoule drug content hence contaminating it.

· Parts of Ampoule Bottle Sealing Machine

The ampoule bottle sealing machine comes complete with the filling system and the main parts of the machine include:

Ampoule Sealing Process

i. Filling Source

This is the tank that stores and releases the filling liquid into the ampoules.

ii. Conveyor Belt

It moves the ampoules from the filling station to the sealing station

iii. Rotary Pumps

It ensures that the ampoule bottles have the right pressure.

iv. Stainless Steel Belt

It receives the ampoules after undergoing a sealing process

v. Adjustable Volume Wheel

It adjusts the volume of the liquid that goes into the ampoules

vi. Plunger

It pushes the liquid from the filling source into the ampoule bottles

vii. Pedal Switch

You can use it to adjust auto mode operations of the machine according to your preferences.

viii. Volume Sensors

Responds to the changes in volume in accordance with the adjustments on the adjustable volume wheel.

ix. Needle Bevel

To allow passage of the filling liquid from the filling source into the ampoule bottle

x. Sealing Station

It is part of the machine where the sealing process takes place. ss

xi. Exhaust Fume Excavator

It removes the fumes that the machine generates during the sealing process

· How Ampule Filling and Sealing Machine Work

The ampule filling and sealing machine go through the following steps to make a complete seal.

  • Step One: Reception of the Ampules and Filling Liquid

First, the ampules come from the sterilizing unit through the infeed conveyor.

After that, the machine loads the ampules in an upright position on a conveyor belt.

The screw conveyor transports the ampules to the segment wheel and then to the conveyor cradle.

At the same time, the liquid filler is ready at the filling station

  • Step Two: Pre-gassing the Ampules

In normal cases, the machine will advance 8 ampules to the gassing zone.

At this point, the machine will gas the bottles in an attempt to get rid of any air inside the ampules.

It also acts as a sterilizer in readiness for the filling process.

  • Step Three: Filling the Ampules

After gassing, the machine moves on to the filling station.

At this point, the mouth of the ampules is upright and faces the needle bevel.

The machine initiates the filling process by triggering the plunger to squeeze the liquid out.

The liquid filler flows directly into the ampules through the needle bevel.

It fills just the right quantity in accordance to the programming.

  • Step Four: Post gassing

After that, the machine moves the ampules through the gassing stage once more.

The gassing helps in the elimination of any trapped air and also prepares the ampules for sealing.

The ampules then move on a conveyor belt to the sealing station.

The ampules rotate on the conveyor belt as they approach the sealing station.

  • Step Five: Sealing the Ampules

First, the machine preheats the ampules at a certain temperature in preparation for the main sealing.

After that, the machine will pass the ampules through the main heating stage at higher temperatures.

The glass ampules will then melt and form a complete seal above the ampules.

  • Step Six: Discharging the ampules

At the final stage, the clipper will remove the excess tips on the ampules.

The ampules proceed through the discharge unit on a conveyor belt for further processing.

· Common Problems and Solutions in Ampoule Bottle Sealing Machine

You can troubleshoot the machine to get a clear grasp of the problems affecting the machine.

Some of the main problems and solutions affecting the machine include:

 Ampoule Sealing Line

i. Failure of the Ampule Bottle to Form a Proper Seal

This happens in the cause of production leading incomplete seals on the ampules.

You can solve this by making adjustments on the sealing system in appropriate angles to ensure sealing efficiency.

ii. Delays in Ampule Deliveries by the Conveyor Belts

This can be as a result of the settings in the conveyor system.

You will adjust the systems of the ampule filling and sealing system.

You don’t have to worry because the machine will not work in the absence of ampules.

iii. Unleveled Fills

The fills can at times have different levels due to a malfunction on the filling parameters.

The solution is to program the machine properly and ensure the machine is on a flat surface.

iv. Delays in Changeover

You may experience delays in changeover especially when some of the ampules are not in the filling line.

The solution is to do thorough monitoring and inspection of the whole system and ensure proper alignment of ampules.

v. Failed Head Dive

This might be a result of mechanical problems in the airlines that connect the head dive.

The airlines might have leaks or might disconnect from the mainline.

The solution is to check the air compressors and air lines to ensure proper and secure connections.

You should also check the PLC unit to ensure the setting are alright.

Other Bottle Capping and Sealing Features

Apart from the types of sealing machines above, there are other types of bottle capping and sealing features such as:

Induction Sealing Process

· Tear Off Caps for Bottles

This feature makes it easy to access the bottle content by creating a seal that you can simply tear off.

The seal is tough to hold the cap in place but once you tear it off, you cannot return it.

It is a common feature in capsule and tablet jars.

· Tamper-proof Seals for Bottle

Other bottles come with a seal that will ensure that nobody tampers with the content until you decide to open it.

You can easily identify that the content may be compromised if you get a bottle with a broken seal.

In many cases, you should keep away from such products.

· Press On Bottle Caps

These are bottle caps that require you to apply pressure on the cap to unlock it before opening the cap.

You will find it in bottles that contain sensitive materials that you need to keep away from children.

The caps also help in the sustainability of the bottle contents.

· Cork Caps for Bottles

Cork cups are old methods of capping that involve placing a rubber cork on the mouth of the bottle.

You will find cork caps on wine bottles and it requires a special type of opener to release the cock.

The cork assists in keeping the content of the bottles fresh.

· Child Resistant Bottle Caps and Seals

This bottle has special features that prevent kids from opening the bottles. It is an important security feature.

Considerations when Buying Bottle Sealing Machine

Whenever you are considering to purchase a bottle sealing equipment, you should consider the following factors.

Aluminum Foil Sealing Machine

· Ease of Use & Maintenance

You should have knowledge of how to operate the bottle sealing machine.

In many cases, the machines are automatic with a human-machine interface and the mode of operation is simple.

Apart from that, the machine should be easy to clean and maintain to increase its durability of the machine.

· Automation Technology with HMI & PLC System

You have the choice of deciding on a manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic bottle sealing machine.

It is, however, important to go for the fully automatic bottle sealing machine.

Even though it will cost you more, it comes complete with a human-machine interface and PLC control system.

Apart from that, the machine will also increase the production output in a more convenient, accurate, and efficient manner.

· Bottle Sealing Machine Safety

The safety of the machine should also be one of your greatest priorities.

You should look at the safety in terms of your own safety and the safety of the machine.

You should consider machines that have sensors that can either warn you or automatically stop in case of danger.

· Ergonomic Construction of Bottle Sealing Machine

You should go for a machine that will ensure an efficient and comfortable working environment.

This includes looking at factors such as low noise levels and minimal environmental pollution through the minimal release of smoke.

· Fully Aseptic (Optimal Sterilization)

Your choice for a machine should be free of contaminants that would otherwise contaminate the integrity of the content.

Many of the machines have stainless steel as the main material as it is strong, durable, aseptic, and easy to clean.

· Accurate Drive Mechanism

The driving mechanism should be able to determine the sealing parameters accurately and minimize any form of sealing error.

It should conform and accurately follow the sealing settings according to the programming on the PLC control system.

· Production Capacity

The production capacity of the bottle sealing machines often varies depending on the level of automation.

You should consider an automatic bottle sealing machine which has a very high production capacity.

At the same time, automatic bottle sealing machines have varying production capacities depending on the size of the machine.

· Ease to Adapt to Different Bottle Sealing Solutions

You should consider purchasing a bottle sealing machine that is flexible and can change and adapt to different bottle sealing mechanisms.

It should be flexible enough to change parts automatically in response to the programming schedule.

· Additional Functionalities

Modern bottle sealing machines come complete with additional functions apart from the normal sealing functionality.

You should, therefore, go for a machine that is capable of performing extra functions such as;

i. Labelling/printing batch number

The machine should have inkjet printers that will automatically label the seals.

ii. Counting

The machine should be able to give the exact number of bottles on which it has placed seals.

iii. Faulty detection

It should have sensors that can automatically detect and react to any faults in the operating system to improve safety.

· Combination of More than One Sealing Technique

You should buy a machine that can allow you to combine different sealing techniques in the sealing process.

For instance, the machine should be flexible enough to allow induction sealing and bottle screw cap sealing techniques.

· Accommodate Different Bottle Types

The machine should also be accommodative of different types of bottles in terms of shapes and sizes among other diversities.

It should be able to recognize and automatically shift the sealing method in accordance with the type of bottle.


The information from this guide will become very useful in solving all your bottle sealing machine needs.

It will act as the foundation of your success in operating different types of bottle sealing machines.

What are you waiting for?

Why don’t you start by using this information to contact your supplier and order a custom bottle sealing machine?

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