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A heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP) is a type of drill pipe whose walls are thicker and collars are longer than conventional drill pipe. HWDP should be stronger and should have higher tensile strength than conventional drill pipe, as it is placed near the top of a long drill string. Drill pipes are subjected to various types of loads and are operated under different environmental conditions. The heavy weight drill pipes are the most expensive elements of the drill pipe string and their durability is essential for the economical drill work efficiency. In the exploration work, abrasive wear occurs and the durability of the heavy weight drill pipe is decreased. The abrasive wear is the result of the friction between the heavy weight drill pipe with the inner surface of the casing or the open hole wall. In order to improve the wear resistance of heavy weight drill pipes the hardbanding technology is worldwide applied.
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Short communication
Hardbanding failure in a heavy weight drill pipe
G.V.S. Murthy
, Goutam Das, Swapan Kumar Das, Nikhat Parveen, S.R. Singh
Materials Science and Technology Division, National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR), Jamshedpur 831 007, India
article info
Article history:
Received 11 August 2010
Received in revised form 15 March 2011
Accepted 23 March 2011
Available online 31 March 2011
Drill pipe
Charpy energy
Pro-eutectoid grain boundary ferrite
Ó2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction
A heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP) is a type of drill pipe whose walls are thicker and collars are longer than conventional
drill pipe. HWDP should be stronger and should have higher tensile strength than conventional drill pipe, as it is placed near
the top of a long drill string. Drill pipes are subjected to various types of loads and are operated under different environmen-
tal conditions. The heavy weight drill pipes are the most expensive elements of the drill pipe string and their durability is
essential for the economical drill work efficiency. In the exploration work, abrasive wear occurs and the durability of the
heavy weight drill pipe is decreased. The abrasive wear is the result of the friction between the heavy weight drill pipe with
the inner surface of the casing or the open hole wall. In order to improve the wear resistance of heavy weight drill pipes the
hardbanding technology is worldwide applied.
Hardbandng of drill pipe tool joints and other drilling equipment has been around since the late 1930 [1–3]. Originally
hardbanding was applied primarily to protect the drill pipe and other tools from premature abrasive wear. Since, that time
there have been numerous changes in hardbanding and its application, but only within the last few years has new technol-
ogy been introduced that allows hardbanding to protect the casing and the drill pipe at the same time. Several types of wear
resistant alloys are now available for hardbanding. Most of them are designed to protect the casing, the marine riser or the
drill pipe, but only one or two can sufficiently protect all at the same time, from premature abrasive wear. The proper hard-
banding with the right application can substantially increase the tool joint wear life; reduce casing wear caused by drill
string, downhole drag and torque, and rig fuel consumption and allow operators to run lighter weight and grade casing.
The essential features and advantages of all of these hardbanding alloys are: (i) It has a very low coefficient of friction,
which minimizes rapid casing wear caused by drill string contacting the casing wall; (ii) It has excellent resistance to the
high stress abrasion experienced in open hole; (iii) It can be applied raised to give maximum casing and tool joint wear
reduction and (iv) It can be applied over existing deposits with some limitations like the existing hardbanding must be in
1350-6307/$ - see front matter Ó2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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E-mail address: (G.V.S. Murthy).
Engineering Failure Analysis 18 (2011) 1395–1402
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serviceable condition before the application. Also the applicators must strictly adhere to the recommended procedures man-
ual for proper application.
In the present investigation the root cause for the failure of a heavy weight drill pipe has been carried out. The drill pipe
has been in operation for a very short duration of time and the material specification is AISI 1340 grade.
After a through visual examination of the as received two pieces of the failed pipe, it was felt the following tests were
essential in order to arrive at the cause for the observed failure; (i) Visual examination of the both the pieces of the failed
drill pipe; (ii) Elemental analysis; (iii) Hardness; (iv) Mechanical property evaluation such as tensile testing and Charpy im-
pact test; (v) Microstructural characterization using optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and
(vi) Fractography of the failed specimens to reveal the nature of failure.
2. Experimental results and discussion
2.1. Visual observation
Two pieces of the failed heavy weight drill pipe measuring 5
inch OD, 3
inch ID, and lengths about 4 inch and 2 inch
respectively in the as received condition are shown in the Fig. 1a–d. It is clearly seen that the outer surface hardbanding has
been done at three distinct places at an angle of about 120°to each other. An internal plastic (yellow in color) coating is also
seen. The hardband portion on the outer surface measured about 1 inch in thickness. No damage is seen either on the inter-
nal plastic coating or on the outer surface except for regular equally spaced shallow grip marks. It is also observed that the
fracture surface is fully rusted.
2.2. Chemical Analysis
Chemical analysis has been carried out by atomic absorption spectrometer, using the standard procedures. The chemical
composition of the pipe material is obtained as described above and the results are given in Table 1. These results show that
the pipe conforms to the compositional standards of such materials.
Similarly, the chemical composition of the hardbanding material has been obtained using the Spark Emission Spectrom-
eter and the results are given in Table 2. The chemical composition of the hardbanding material that has been used agrees
very well with the reported data [4].
2.3. Hardness measurements
Hardness measurements were carried out on a standard hardness testing machine calibrated to the usual standards, with
a diamond cone in Rockwell scale. Rockwell hardness numbers were obtained on the cross-sectional region of the pipe. The
Fig. 1. (a–d): Macro photographs of the failed heavy weight drill pipes, showing (a) the rusted portion (b) the hard band regions (c) and (d) the shallow grip
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hardness data was taken starting from the hardbanding region, intermediate diffusion zone and pipe material. An average of
3 readings has been taken for each measurement and is shown in Table 3.
The hardness data also show that the hardbanding area has a high hardness 54 Rc, whereas the joint portion (diffusion
area) there is a decrease in the hardness (43 Rc). In case of the pipe material the hardness value is 24 Rc. All these values of
the hardness also agree very well with the reported hardness of the hardbanding material as well as with the pipe materials.
2.4. Mechanical testing
Tensile tests were performed on round specimens machined from the supplied pipe (as per the ASTM standard E-8M-04)
of the failed tube. Three specimens were tested and the average tensile properties are reported here. All tests were carried
out in an electromechanical dynamic testing system fitted with a 100 kN capacity load cell. The machine was equipped with
Table 1
Elemental compositional analysis of the pipe material (wt.%).
Element C Mn P S Si Fe
Pipe 0.44 1.38 0.009 0.006 0.28 Balance
Standard 0.38–0.43 1.60–1.90 0.035 (max) 0.04 (max) 0.15–30 Balance
Table 2
Elemental compositional analysis of the hardband material (wt.%).
Si C Cr Mn P S Fe
0.48 0.56 15.71 2.0 0.005 0.001 Balance
Table 3
Hardness data across the cross-section of the pipe sample.
Specimen area Hardness in R
(Load 150 Kg)
Hardbanding region 54
Difussion zone 43
Pipe material 24
Table 4
Mechanical properties of the sample (pipe material).
Property YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) % Elongation Charpy impact energy (J) Hardness (Hv)
Pipe 485 823 8.5% 10 254
Standard 436 703 25% 70 245
Fig. 2. Fractographs of the impact tested sample (taken from the pipe material), showing cleavage type of cracks indicating the brittle nature of fracture of
the pipe material.
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Author's personal copy
a digital controller interfaced to a computer through IEEE 488/GPIB protocols. The tests were conducted using Flaps 5; a Win-
dows based software. The software has provision for controlling the test conditions like displacement rate, and data acqui-
sition on load, displacement and strain in different channels. The strain was measured through an extensometer of 25 mm
gauge length, attached to the middle of the specimen gauge. The tests were conducted at a displacement rate of 0.5 mm/min
at ambient temperature.
Charpy V-notch Impact tests were conducted with specimens extracted from the pipe material. Tests were conducted as
per ASTM standard E-23-07 on a full size specimen. All tests were carried out in a pendulum type impact test machine. The
average impact toughness value is reported here.
The nominal values for such steels (AISI 1340) are YS: 436 MPa; UTS: 703 MPa; % elongation: 25%; Impact toughness: 70 J;
hardness: 245 HV.
It may be noticed that the pipe has YS, UTS and Hardness values close to the nominal values of AISI 1340. However, %
elongation, a measure of ductility of material, and impact energy is significantly lower than the specified values. This
may be an important contributing factor for failure to occur.
Thus the pipe material AISI 1340 steel shows a very low toughness although the hardness is within the prescribed limits.
This implies that the material might have achieved the hardness requirement but does not meet the standard toughness re-
quired for such steel. It may be due to improper heat treatment.
Further the impact tested sample was examined for any features indicating the nature of the fracture. This was done
because the impact toughness value obtained in the present case was very low, as shown in Table 4 (10 J) compared to
Fig. 3. Macrophotograph of the polished and etched transverse section sample showing three different regions.
Fig. 4. Optical micrographs of the (a) hard band material (b) joint region (c) heat affected region and (d) pipe material.
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the reported value of 70 Joules for AISI 1340 steels. The fractograph is shown in Fig. 2. It clearly shows the cleavage type of
cracks indicating the brittle nature of fracture of the pipe material also and hence the low impact energy.
2.5. Micro structural characterization
Microstructural characterization was carried out using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Standard
metallographic technique was employed for grinding and polishing the samples. All samples were etched with 2% Nital solu-
tion to reveal the microstructure under the microscope.
Fig. 5. Optical micrograph montage to cover the entire cross-section of the specimen; showing the origin of the micro crack is in the hard band region.
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As a first step towards understanding the microstructures, a macro photo of the polished and etched sample is shown in
the Fig. 3. It clearly shows the three different regions i.e., the hardband area, the diffusion zone and the pipe material.
The optical micrographs taken in the different regions are also presented in the Fig. 4. The hard band region shows a cast
dendritic structure. (Fig. 4a). Fig. 4b shows the joint region, while Figs. 4 c and d show the heat affected zone and the pipe
material respectively.
Fig. 6. SEM micrograph in the pipe material showing the formation of coarse grain structure.
Fig. 7. SEM micrograph of the pipe material (at a higher magnification) showing the formation of pearlite alongwith pro-euctectoid grain boundary ferrite.
Fig. 8. SEM micrograph of the joint region, showing the formation of the microcracks.
1400 G.V.S. Murthy et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 18 (2011) 1395–1402
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It was observed that the hardband region had a large number of microcracks extending up to the diffusion zone. In Fig. 5,
a montage of the optical micrographs covering the entire cross-section starting from the hardband region up to the pipe is
shown where one such crack is seen.
Similarly the scanning electron micrographs are shown in Figs. 6–9. The first micrograph (Fig. 6) shows the microstruc-
ture of the pipe material with a coarse grain structure. Fig. 7 is the microstructure of the pipe material (at a higher magni-
fication) showing the pearlite structure with pro-eutectoid grain boundary ferrite. The pro-eutectoid grain boundary ferrite
is a deleterious microstructural constituent and may result in low impact energy. Therefore its occurrence should be avoided
by careful heat treatment.
It is apt to point out that the low energy Charpy energies of the pipe material might have also compounded the failure.
This is due to the fact that the material was pearlitic (Fig. 7) and a high carbon pearlite has a high ductile to brittle transition
temperature (DBTT). This may be the reason for the observed low Charpy energies of the pipe material. A similar observation
was reported earlier [5]. Moreover as was pointed out the pipe might have achieved the desired hardness but the low Charpy
Fig. 9. SEM micrograph of the hard band material showing dendritic microstructure consists of primary carbides network (dark phase) and cracks along the
grain boundary & dendrite arms.
Fig. 10. Fractographs showing the nature of the failure: (a) a low magnification SEM micrograph covering the entire fracture surface (b) high magnification
of the hardband region marked as X1 in (a) showing the dendritic structure (c) high magnification of the diffusion region marked as X2 in (a).
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values show the improper heat treatment which should avoid pro-eutectoid grain boundary ferrite which is a deleterious
microstructural constituent and may result in low impact energy .
Fig. 8 shows the microstructure of the joint region, showing the formation of microcracks in the region of the hardband
material only. Also note that the boundary between the band material and the heat affected zone is quite distinct.
Fig. 9 shows the SEM microstructure of the hardband material. The microstructure shows the presence of primary Cr car-
bides in the form of dendrities. Also from the EDS analysis it is seen that the dendrite arm is rich in chromium and carbon.
2.6. Fractography
Fractography of the failed samples was carried out after a thorough cleaning of the surface from the accumulated rust
with a solution which would dissolve only the rust and leave the fracture surface intact. Low magnification fractograph
(Fig. 10a) showing the entire fracture surface consisting of hardband region and base pipe is shown. The mode of fracture
was brittle and crack propagated through dendrite arms in the hardband region as shown in SEM fractograph Fig. 10b.
The interface region also shows a brittle fracture in cleavage mode as shown in Fig. 10c.
From the above experimental observations it is seen that the material specifications of the pipe material is in agreement
with the reported values. The hardness and the chemical composition agree very well with that for the specified steels i.e.,
AISI 1340 grade. The observed microstructure of the pipe material is also in agreement.
However, there are some inherent problems encountered with the particular alloy being used for hardbanding, and is un-
like other wear resistant alloy used for such purposes. It is a type of alloy, rich in chromium and carbon and is brittle in nat-
ure. This material is prone to fracture and several incidences of spalling have been reported earlier [6,7] and the company no
longer recommends the use of this alloy. In fact it has been discontinued for sale since December 2006. It is expected that the
excess of chromium forms chromium carbides, which is wear resistant, but prone to brittle fracture. This was observed in the
present case also as is shown from the microstructure and EDAX.
Thus, it is a well established fact that high resistances against wear by abrasion are best achieved with Fe-based alloys,
and more particularly with those alloys of this group wherein a precipitation of pro-eutectic primary hard phases occurs.
This is the case that has been observed in the present study (Fig. 7) which is typical. It is also an inescapable fact that the
primary phase (chromium carbide in the present case Fig. 9) is more or less crack sensitive, as a function of the density
of the primary phases, as well as density of the secondary hardening phases. In totality, and from the metallurgical approach
Fe–Cr–C alloys such as the one used here for hardbanding, are wear resistant but cracking is generally extensive, which af-
fects the through wall thickness of the hardband.
So from the experimental findings as above both the hardbanding material used as well as the steel used for the pipe are
really not meeting the requirements of such applications and are prone to failure sooner or later. Hence the failure occurred
in this case which was but natural.
3. Conclusions
Based on the above findings, it can be concluded that the heavy weight drill pipe meets all the desired specifications ex-
cept for % elongation and impact energy which are significantly lower than the specified values. However due to the inherent
nature of the alloy used for hardbanding, the cracking has been observed. Also the initiation of the cracks is mostly in the
hardband material and is due to the formation of chromium carbides, which although wear resistant is also, crack sensitive.
Similarly the heat treatment given to the pipe is not enough to meet the toughness requirement. This is evident from the
very low impact toughness as well the features of the fractured impact specimen.
The authors would like to thank Director, National Metallurgical Laboratory – CSIR, Jamshedpur for his kind permission to
carry out and publish this work.
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[2] Barrios J. In: Proceedings of the IADC/SPE Asia pacific drilling technology conference, APDT, hardbanding for drilling unconsolidated sand reserviours.
[3] Bouzakis K, editor. Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on manufacturing engineering (ICMEN), October 2008. EEAM and PCCM 2009; p. 341
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[4] Technical Information Arnco technology trust Ltd. 357 Briarpark, Houston, Texas, USA Website: http:/
[5] Putatunda SK, Yang J, Gundlach RB. Development of an austenitic structural steel. Mater Des 2005;26:534–44.
[6] John G. The facts and myths of hardbanding. Mobley Arnco Technol. Ltd. Dt. October, 2000 and the actual case histories presented therein.
[7] Technical Information. Steel Repair Services. Z. Khalilov street 33/43Yasamal District, Baku, Azerbaijan Website:
1402 G.V.S. Murthy et al. / Engineering Failure Analysis 18 (2011) 1395–1402
... Along with the sustainable development in the oil-gas exploration area and the progress of the modern science and technology, the deep and ultra-deep well technology rises continuously. Moreover, the application in the deep and ultra-deep well technology has been expanding gradually, especially the application of the wear-resistant belt in drill joint [1][2][3][4]. During the drilling process of a great number of deep and ultra-deep wells, the causing heavy loss made by the casing wear and drill-pipe wear problems are serious, which would bring forward higher requirements to the wear-resistant belt material in drill joint [3][4][5]. ...
... Moreover, the application in the deep and ultra-deep well technology has been expanding gradually, especially the application of the wear-resistant belt in drill joint [1][2][3][4]. During the drilling process of a great number of deep and ultra-deep wells, the causing heavy loss made by the casing wear and drill-pipe wear problems are serious, which would bring forward higher requirements to the wear-resistant belt material in drill joint [3][4][5]. To improve performance, highperformance protective materials have been researched and developed [6][7][8]. ...
... The bilateral protection performance of FeNiNb alloy is also higher. Indeed, FeNiNb alloy is often used when the operating requirements are high because of its better performance [4,5,14]. Meanwhile, the PCD composite has much better abrasion resistance and abrasion reduction capacity. ...
The friction and wear of an new material for the drill joint were compared with those of traditional wear-resistant belt materials using an SD-1 test rig against a 42Mn2V steel counterface under deep and ultra-deep well conditions. This provides recommendations as to the tribological application of the wear-resistant belt. The results obtained strongly indicate that the friction and wear of a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) composite are much lower than those of the traditional wear-resistant belt materials. Among those materials, the friction and wear behavior of a FeNiNb alloy are higher than those of a FeCrMnMo alloy. Of the three wear-resistant belt materials, the bilateral protection performance of a PCD composite is the best one. It is feasible to use this composite as the wear-resistant belt material in the drill joint for deep and ultra-deep wells. The dominant wear mechanism of the wear-resistant belt materials is the microcutting wear, accompanied by the adhesive one. In addition, the wear degree of the PCD composite is the least one.
... If replacement of the PCD with the TSP occurs, the thermal stability of this composite could be significantly improved. Therefore, this new composite (called TSP reinforced WC matrix composite, TSP composite for short) would satisfy the requirements of protecting the casing and the drill pipe at the same time when drilling deep holes [5]. ...
... It also should be noted that A3 alloy shows similar friction and wear behaviors as what has been observed for TSP composite. As a "casing friendly" material [5], it created less casing wear and the friction coefficient remained relatively stable with the increase of loads. Whereas under the high-load condition (130 N), the casing wear was a little higher than that of TSP composite. ...
FKM rubber seals are critical and vulnerable parts of downhole drilling tools under the influence of high temperature and abrasive grains in deep & ultra-deep well drilling. In this study, high temperature aged FKM O-rings were tested under abrasive conditions to research the effect of the age temperature on the tribological characteristics through comparison of mechanical performance variations of specimens before tests and analysis of friction coefficients, particle debris and wear worn after tests. The results indicated that wear surfaces were transformed from scratches into pits as high age temperature lowered the tear strength of rubber. Such changes in frictional pattern resulted in a difference in the force of the abrasive particles in the sealing interface which leads to variations of coefficients of friction. Results from the research aim to guard against and minimize the possibilities of future failures of FKM rubber seals.
... If replacement of the PCD with the TSP occurs, the thermal stability of this composite could be significantly improved. Therefore, this new composite (called TSP reinforced WC matrix composite, TSP composite for short) would satisfy the requirements of protecting the casing and the drill pipe at the same time when drilling deep holes [5]. ...
... It also should be noted that A3 alloy shows similar friction and wear behaviors as what has been observed for TSP composite. As a "casing friendly" material [5], it created less casing wear and the friction coefficient remained relatively stable with the increase of loads. Whereas under the high-load condition (130 N), the casing wear was a little higher than that of TSP composite. ...
... With the growth in demand for energy, particularly oil, and the development of petroleum exploration and exploitation, new drilling technologies have been developing rapidly, which could bring more serious drill pipe wear and casing damage comparing with traditional technologies [1][2][3][4][5]. Since the 1970s a lot of research works focused on the protection of casing and drill pipe have been carried out. ...
... Extensive development efforts have been undertaken on hardbandings for drill pipes [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. According to the results of these studies, an ideal drilling material has been requested to have fine fiction and wear characteristics such as low coefficient of friction and high wear resistance, which cannot only greatly improve the wear resistance of drill pipe but also reduce the casing wear. ...
... Hardbanding of drill pipe tool joints has been developed to primarily protect the drill pipe from abrasive wear since the late 1930s [1,2]. With the increase of deep drilling operations, the casing wear caused by drill string rotation has become more serious in today's drilling of high angle, horizontal, high pressure and high-temperature wells, which leads to the research emphasis of the hardbanding has been shifted to protecting the casing [3]. ...
The effects of Ni content and maceration metal on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the WC based diamond composites were investigated in an attempt to seek optimal Ni addition concentration and alloy type. The results indicate that the Cu-10Ni-5Mn-29Zn alloy is more suitable to be used as the matrix maceration metal of WC matrix materials. The bending strength of matrix samples increased up to approximately 10% upon 5 wt% Ni addition. The WC based diamond composite with 5 wt% Ni exhibited an optimal overall performance. The strengthening mechanisms of bending strength and diamond retention capabilities were revealed. The good diamond-holding and WC-holding capabilities and the reinforcement of toughness and the plastic of this Cu- 10Ni-5Mn-29Zn alloy are the primary reasons for the excellent performance of composites.
... In addition, the formation structures, such as strong abrasive formation, fractured formation, etc., are becoming more and more complex in the process of oil drilling. All of these put forward higher requirements for anti-wear and anti-friction characteristics of hardbandings, so the development of new hardbanding materials has already been the task of top priority [4][5][6]. ...
Full-text available
Among anti-wear technologies, hardbanding is the most effective measure to reduce the wear of drill pipe and casing. Many new hardbanding materials are introduced constantly, and the varieties of hardbandings are becoming more and more abundant. In this paper, the research history and status quo of the hardband-ing materials in tool joint are reviewed. And the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of wear-resisting materials are introduced. Finally, the development orienta-tion in hardbanding materials in drill joint was pointed out.
... Agresywne korozyjnie środowisko pracy sprzyja również uszkodzeniom rur na skutek korozji naprężeniowej i zmęczeniowej [6]. Także stosowane często, w celu podwyższenia odporności na ścieranie, napawanie utwardzające sprzyja powstawaniu pęknięć w strefie wpływu ciepła, zwłaszcza w obszarze złączy rur [7]. Celem pracy było określenie powodów uszkodzeń rur, które nastąpiły po stosunkowo krótkim okresie eksploatacji. ...
... The hardfacing material is typically applied using gas metal arc welding. Hardbanding has been used in industry since the late 1930s and increases a tool joint's wear life 1 . The most extensive wear on underground drilling is found on tool joints rather than drill pipes due to a larger diameter of the tool joint compared to the drill pipe tubing. ...
Steel-based hardfacing alloys are welded onto the outside diameter of tool joints in three beads with a slight overlap between welds for underground drilling to prolong the tool joints’ life. Current hardfacing alloys have a shortened life due to cracks occurring in neighboring weld beads. To decrease cracking, the effects of composition and heat treatment on the microstructure was investigated on five alloys. Five small arc-melt circular ingots roughly 1.4 x 0.3 inches were produced. Each sample had varying amounts of C, B, Cr, Mn, Mo, Nb, Si, Ti, V, and W. The carbon levels in the alloys were .91wt%, .98wt%, and 3 wt% resulting in a ferritic, martensitic, and austenitic matrix, respectively. The heat treated samples were solutionized at 1100°C for 2 hours, quenched followed by an aging treatment at 500°C for 5 hours and air cooled. Metallographic analysis was performed revealing the as cast microstructures to have a fine appearance compared to the coarser nature of the heat treated microstructures. Hardness values were measured and the effect of heat treatment on the ferritic and austenitic samples’ hardness was minimal. Increasing the weight percent of Nb in the ferritic alloy prohibited grain growth resulting in slight changes in hardness after heat treatment, while increasing the weight percent of Ti had little effect. The martensitic sample decreased in hardness from 61 to 49 HRC due to the reduction in strain from heat treatment. Micro-hardness data revealed similar trends. Nano-hardness is suggested to understand microstructural evolution and measure ferrite hardness.
... A heavy weight drill pipe failure in the hardbanding region was reported by G.V.S. Murthy et al. [65]. It was noted that the crack initiated in the wear resistant, but crack sensitive hardband material due largely to the formation of chromium carbides. ...
Purpose The purpose of this study is to solve the oil drill pipe joints and casing excessive wear problems and to improve the drill pipe joint-casing wear resistance and anti-friction properties. Design/methodology/approach On the surface of the drill pipe joints using oxyacetylene flame bead weld (BW) wear-resistant welding wire ARNCO-100XT TM prepares welding layer, high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) Cr 3 C 2 75-NiCr25 prepares coating and subsonic flame spray and remelt (SFSR) Ni60 prepares coating, then comparing and analyzing the friction and wear of the three types of wear-resistant layers and the casing under the condition of 1.8 g/cm ³ mud drilling fluid lubrication. The wear resistance and anti-friction performance of the drill pipe joints were evaluated based on the wear situation, finally revealing its friction and wear mechanisms. Findings Three types of wear-resistant layers can improve the surface wear resistance of drill pipe joints, the wear-resistant layer and the substrate are well combined and the welding layers and coating are both dense and uniform. The wear resistance of the HVOF-Cr 3 C 2 75-NiCr25 coating is 10.9 times that of the BW-ARNCO-100XT TM weld layer, and the wear resistance of the SFSR-Ni60 weld layer is 2.45 times that of the BW-ARNCO-100XT TM weld layer. The anti-friction properties of SFSR-Ni60 welding layer is the best, followed by HVOF-Cr 3 C 2 75-NiCr25 coating, and the anti-friction properties of BW-ARNCO-100XT TM welding layer is the worst among the three. Originality/value The research results of this paper have great practical value in the process and material of improving the wear resistance and anti-friction performance of the drill pipe joint casing.
Author's Key Points: • Clarifying the industry's misconception of hardbanding and its' impact on drill pipe tool joint life and casing wear. • Offering an alternative hardbanding that will actually extend tool joint life and reduce casing, marine riser and B.O.P. wear at the same time. Hardbanding of drill pipe tool joints and other drilling equipment has been around since the late 1930's. Originally, hardbanding was applied to primarily protect the drill pipe and other tools from rapid abrasive wear. In today's drilling of high angle, horizontal, high pressure and high temperature wells, the emphasis has shifted to protecting the casing from wear caused by drill string rotation and tripping. The need to protect the drill string is still important, but it has become much less important than the other items of concern. Given the increased cost and delivery time of new drill pipe and drilling tools, this sets new challenges to drilling contractors and rental tool companies. Hardbanding, though a simple process, is widely misunderstood as to what role it plays in the protection of drill pipe tool joints. Laboratory tests and casing wear studies in recent years has proven new causes for casing, marine riser and B.O.P. wear, as well as casing and riser failures. The primary culprit is the drill pipe tool joint, either not hardbanded or hardbanded with tungsten carbide. The tungsten carbide wears the opposing surface by an abrasive action while the non-hardbanded tool joint wears the opposing surface by a galling action; both being equally destructive. In the last eight years, new wear resistant alloy "casing friendly" hardbandings have been developed to protect the casing, riser, B.O.P. and drill string at the same time . Even with these developments there is a general lack of understanding and widespread confusion about hardbanding. The following points should help in clearing up some of these misconceptions.
In this investigation a new low alloy austenitic structural steel has been developed. This steel after melting and casting and hot rolling has a pearlitic microstructure which can be spherodize annealed to attain good machinability. After austenitizing at 1150 °C (2100 °F) and water quenching, it has a fully austenitic (100%) microstructure. Because of the fully austenitic structure, it is non-ferromagnetic. The initial study on this experimental alloy indicates that this new steel has reasonably good strength, fracture toughness and ductility. A major application of this steel is expected to be in power generation devices such as turbines, generators, etc. There will be very little power loss in power generation devices due to low permeability and the non-magnetic nature of austenite.